A little more personal…

Hi eyes were a blue that hypnotized me when I first saw them again on social media, piercing blue, penetrating eyes that felt as if they were staring into my soul.  My heart beat a little faster that day – remembering how I felt so many years ago when we were teenagers – history seeming to repeat itself.  

Social Media is a funny thing.  With Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even Instagram taking over the way we see people  everyone has a chance to reconnect like never before.  Soul Mates are brought together, families are re-uniting, it is changing the way we, as a society, interact. 

When I first saw him on Instagram, I realized this man, whom I had first met in high school had changed.  I could tell from his photos he was a creative artist bringing to life inanimate objects and telling a story without uttering a single word.  But would this man even remember me?  It had been over a decade since we had last spoken and even then we were never close.  Our social circles barely interacted with each other and other than a brief stint as his best friends girlfriend; I really didn’t talk to him much.  However I knew him, I knew instantly he was the boy from my teenage dreams.  That one guy that you never actually got to date, but wanted to…that you wished you had the guts to talk to…that was this man for me.  

To my complete shock and surprise, he remembered me.  Not only that but he connected with me on Social Media and would “like” my pictures, comments etc.  It was juvenile; I had no hopes of actually meeting up with him.  Our worlds were completely different as they should be since we had graduated high school 13 years ago.  But one day I got the Facebook message that yes indeed he wanted to meet with me. 

With one simple statement I was in high school all over again, judging myself, criticizing everything from my weight gain, to my job, to my hobbies and interests.  I didn’t go to my high school reunion because it was back when GBF and I had broken up and I was a hot mess – a complete disaster of a person, depressed and anxiety ridden who had no desire to meet up with people who knew me as the cute, bubbly girl from secondary school.  But now, in 2013, I am confidant and love myself and my friends and my family and my job so while there are numerous things I am not exactly proud of, I wanted to show this man who I was, what I had become and I wanted to see him.  If for nothing else, then at least to spend time alone with him – time I never got so many years ago. 

Toronto has some of the most beautiful, inspiring beaches in the country.  I wasn’t surprised when my artist wanted to meet there.  I was happily delighted that he wanted my assistance with a video he would be creating.  I am not really a creative person, but when I get the opportunity to use my artistic side, I’ll always jump at the chance. 

When he arrived, dressed in white and looking even sexier than I remembered, I fell into his arms.  He – being the gentleman he is – held me like his life depended on it. The best hug, the most comfortable I had felt in a long time.  Catching up and walking along the most beautiful beach I was hooked.  Those feelings – which had left YEARS ago, came flooding back and I wanted nothing more than to stay on that beach, to listen to his voice and stare into those sky blue eyes. 

We spent the entire evening together, catching up and inspiring each other with our tales of while and woe from the past decade.  This was a man I wanted to get to know. 

We continued chatting through text and online, meeting up a few more times…but as with most high school stories, it’s a tough time and place for us both – will anything become of our story?  Will it continue and flourish?  I don’t know.  Feeling important and cared for is very important to me right now if I am going to pursue anything serious and that’s not what either of us really have time for, so who knows…but damn that man…I feel awake again for the first time in over a year and if just for that, I am grateful to reconnect with the boy who got away.

XOXO Nikilee


I know its weird right?  Almost three years I’ve been writing, you’ve been reading and yet there is still more to know (and hopefully love) about Nikilee30. 

  1. Blueberry bagels lightly toasted with butter and a tea with three milk and three sugar are my go-to breakfast item
  2. I have a sweet tooth that extends to every meal
  3. I’ve only not lived in my childhood home twice (once in University and once with GBF when we were boyfriend/girlfriend)
  4. My birthday doesn’t mean that much to me
  5. I love to celebrate others birthdays       
  6. I have wanted to be a primary school teacher for as long as I can remember
  7. I truly enjoy my job as a caseworker and can’t imagine giving it up for anything
  8. I’m allergic to most animals                                                                                              
  9. I love Crazy Cat Lady’s cat Glenn Beck and E’s dog Mister Vegas SO much!
  10. My nieces remind me of me
  11. I’m not sure that’s a good thing all the time
  12. I am on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn                                                                          
  13. I am the Social Media representative for our office
  14. I have a slight obsession with pens – I can’t walk into a Staples without buying a new pack of pens
  15. I have had my iPhone for a year – I have over 1500 pictures on my phone – most stolen from other people’s Facebook HA!
  16. I love flats but wow do they make my feet stink (too much information maybe??)
  17. I own over 80 pairs of shoes                                                                                                                                     
  18. I don’t feel like there is anything wrong with it and I don’t apologize or feel embarrassed about it
  19. My dad is my hero
  20. He doesn’t know that
  21. My biggest disappointment thus far in life is not getting better grades in high school
  22. And maybe caring to much what the cool kids thought of me
  23. I have three agendas and three hanging calendars –  I have an issue
  24. I’m not a texter – I prefer phone conversations
  25. I love lists and create them regularly

XOXO Nikilee

P.S stay tuned in the coming months – I hope to have big news soon!